Thursday 4 July 2024

Apartheid -libby dear


What was Apartheid?

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa that lasted from 1948 to 1994, where the government enforced laws to keep different races apart and gave more rights to white people while discriminating against non-white people.

When was Apartheid the law in South Africa?

Apartheid was the law in South Africa from 1948 to 1994.

How did Apartheid affect daily life?

Living Areas:People were forced to live in separate areas based on their race, often with non-whites living in poorer conditions.

Education:  Schools were segregated, and non-white schools received less funding and resources.

Employment:Job opportunities were limited for non-whites, and they were often paid less for the same work.

Public Facilities:Public facilities like parks, hospitals, and transportation were segregated, with non-whites having access to inferior services.

Movement:Non-whites needed special permits to travel to certain areas, restricting their freedom of movement.

Political Rights:Non-whites were denied the right to vote and had no political representation.

How did other countries react to Apartheid?

Economic Sanctions:Many countries imposed economic sanctions and trade embargoes on South Africa to pressure the government to end apartheid.

Diplomatic Isolation:South Africa was excluded from international organizations and events, such as the United Nations and the Olympic Games.

Support for Anti-Apartheid Movements: Several countries and international organizations supported anti-apartheid movements and activists, providing funding and resources.

Public Protests:There were widespread public protests and

campaigns around the world calling for an end to apartheid and supporting the liberation struggle in South Africa.


What have you learned about apartheid in South Africa?

I've learned that apartheid in South Africa was a system of racial segregation from 1948 to 1994, deeply affecting daily life and drawing strong international condemnation and actions against it.

How do you feel about what you have learned? Learning about apartheid is eye-opening. It shows how crucial it is to stand up against injustice and work towards equality.

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